The first and on-going process is to understand your needs to accomplish your mission as it is informed by your vision. This discovery and documentation will be an on-going part of the engagement.
- An initial interview will be conducted and an initial proposal and project control document will be created.
- Additional discovery will take place throughout the engagement to ensure that each component clearly meets the business objectives.
As the engagement process continues everything will be documented, reviewed and accepted.
- The initial proposal will be presented and signed to include a summary of the initial discovery, planned implementation scope, and necessary support functions.
- Changes that occur during the on-going discovery process will require that control documents be updated or appended to reflect the evlolving implementation.
- Control documents for the engagement will be further broken down into various solutions. The details of each solution will be documented and accepted by the client.
During the egnagement process regular reviews with the principals of the engagement will be scheduled to ensure that the project(s) are proceeding and evolving as intended by both the consumer and provider of the service engagement.
- Alpha and Beta testing will be conducted prior to the release of any custom developed solutions. Client acceptance will be documented as a part of the engagement control documentation.
- The components that collectively make up the solutions being implemented by the engagement will be tested and accepted by the client.
As the components of the engagement are completed the necessary support componenets will be implemented as desribed in the controlling documentation.
- Training will be conducted to ensure that the client is prepared to execute the solutions.
- Documentation for backup processes will be included as a part of the solution to ensure that the work product assets are protected from loss.
- Support documentation will be included that outlines contact methods and primary points of contact for each component of the solution.